
The absolute worst. We all do it. Even the most motivated and hard working people procrastinate. Why do we do it? Do we just need a break? Do we hate what we’re currently doing? Do our eyes hurt from staring at code for hours trying to find that one semicolon that you forgot to put at the end?

By nature, somehow ingrained into our brains, we want to put things off just a little bit longer. That book report? I’ll start at 9pm tonight and finish it up the next day 30 minutes before it’s due. Instead of wanting to get it over with quickly, we want to put it off until the last possible moment, placing your brain on crunch time, forcing it to think critically, but not carefully. Mistakes will happen in those moments. Creativeness is linear instead of expansive in order to make room to get the task done.

How to we get better at not procrastinating? Well, every Padawan will have to think of their own way to get out of that funk. Every person is unique in their procrastination, therefore, they must be unique in their own way in order to be motivated to get things done. Go after it. Be productive.