What I’d Do If I Won the Lottery

Well, I’d better win it fast because I only plan to be around until I’m 40.

I mean, winning the lottery isn’t all it’s cracked up to be anyway. Once you get it, you’ll probably pay taxes up the butt.

I wouldn’t quit my job (unless it was a job I absolutely hated). I’d probably work part time and take a reduced salary (if both those things are allowed) because I got to keep busy somehow so I can keep myself honest and blow the entire winning away.

It would make traveling alone a lot easier. Why? Well, if you have gotten to know me pretty well, there are a lot of things that sound stupid to do alone. Traveling is one of them. Seems boring. I’ll just watch 4k videos of the Grand Canyon instead of doing it myself. It’s not fun if you can’t share the memory with anyone. I don’t have anyone, remember?

Then there’s the whole question of charity. Are there places I would give back to? Maybe when I’m closer to 40 because I wouldn’t be around to enjoy the rest of the money. Some programs to promote running and such would probably be good. No sleazeball politician will get get that money.

So I only got 16 years left to win the lottery. My luck better come fast.