Do We Have Free Will?


I thought about this after watching “Loki”. The whole concept of a sacred timeline and every choice one makes, isn’t their own, but what someone decides for us. Basically a script for us to follow, in order to maintain one or more branches of time off the same baseline. Of course, the show goes a little bit deeper as far as the multiverse goes, but I’m stuck wondering about the whole free will part. Are we in control of the choices we make? Or is there some higher power that dictates our choices for us?

It made me think about “God’s plan”. People say that a lot, whether it’s for success or failure. God is paving the way for this or that to happen. On this specific topic, just humor me, could it possibly be that God has already determined this or that to happen and you are just following their design? So if it’s God’s plan you’re following, then are you actually, truly in control of the choices you are making as part of this plan?

Your choice to skip school or stay in on Friday night to study, did you consciously make that choice? Are you who are you today because of the things you did to get you to today, surrounded by your amazing support system? Or is it because it was prewritten for you to become this person, not realizing none of these choices were your own?

The one question along with all these other questions is, if we have no free will, why are we even here? I’ll try my best not to dip into existentialism, to avoid triggering any life crises. If free will did not exist, why are we doing what we’re doing? What’s the purpose? There has to be a purpose to all of it, right? Why would someone create a person to go through things like homelessness, poverty, or starvation? It’s not as if they’re observing to see what the response or solution to it might be, because they, whoever they may be, are controlling the outcome. They could quite easily change it so that these things do not exist. Why make us go through all of this for the sake of just going through it?

The show messed up my brain. There is a side of me who believes we have free will. There’s no question about it. However, the other side is rationalizing that every mistake or series of unfortunate events are not of my own, but due to the fact I am an unpaid actor following a script for a show I didn’t even know I was in. Hell, me writing this so that no one on the internet will read it is all probably determined by this higher power? Did I make the choice to write this? I haven’t written anything in over 3 years!

Man, people are so much more creative than I am, coming up with these things in entertainment that just gets your brain working.

You can read this, or don’t. Maybe I’ve just gone crazy at this point. I’m getting old, so I’m probably starting to lose it. That was all scripted.