Seeking Advice on the Internet

This depends on the type of advice you’re looking for. Is it like me where I WebMD almost every symptom I have that is abnormal before considering going to a doctor? Fun fact, I normally don’t end up going to the doctor either way.

Can advice be as simple as reading something online? Google something and read a page that has relatively all the answers you’re searching for? I don’t know how frequent online forums are for people seeking advice on certain topics, but I’m sure it’s still a good route to go. Everyone is anonymous (for the most part), so I guess it makes it a little bit easy to open up and get an opinion.

Another fun fact: Recently I googled how to talk to women because I was convinced my introvertedness made me incapable of forming coherent sentences when talking to females.

Do your friends count as the internet? I mean, chatting online with them, seeking advice when you are unable to use your words in person at that moment. That could count I guess. In this age of technology, how many deep talks are we having in person anyway? Makes it easier to contact a person when you need them at that current moment.

Advice on the internet comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it comes when you aren’t even actively seeking it. I mean, I’m still trying to figure out if I have value in this world and I try to absorb the experiences of others to see if I can formulate and answer to my question. Everyone has a thought about life and I’m just trying to understand it.

Though I might never find an answer, but it’s a journey that’s going to have ups and downs and I might be ok with that. Now back to Google...