Do I Have A Best Friend?
I view the whole “best friend” conundrum to be more of a childhood farce. Somehow we have it all imprinted in our minds at a very young age that we need a best friend. As if all our other friends were suddenly of less value.
I remember a childhood memory of mine where I had ranked “best friends”. I think I had like, 6 of them. Obviously I wasn’t following conventions. How can one have multiple best friends? Being the “best” is equivalent to being #1 at something. You hold that title.
As one gets older, I believe that the whole best friend thing fizzles out. Just the term itself, not the person. Well, that’s probably not 100% true. You become exposed to so many different kinds of people and you grow close to those types of bonds to the point that it’s very hard to single out who is the “best” of them all. That might be a pretty good resolution. It’s probably better to have a bunch of close friends than having a best friend and a bunch of close friends.
It’s funny. These are the kinds of opinions coming from the guy who feels he’s all alone and his friends are gone and also doesn’t think he deserve friends, even when he has them because the world has given him rotten lemons and stuff. Well, take it as you will.