PT Week Four 2016

Is that light at the end of the tunnel getting closer?

Saturday virtually no pain was present. Never been so shocked in my life. I did not of the exercises or stretches out of laziness and took a 25 minute walk in the evening to hatch an egg in Pokèmon GO. It felt right as rain.

Sunday was not as great, as the evening was moderately painful. I still can’t explain what made it that way. My habits still haven’t changed.

Now to the actual appointment. Something new happened! I was given clearance to hit up the stationary bike for five minutes. FIVE WHOLE MINUTES! Those 20 calories burned were like a dream come true. Overall, no pain, so that’s certainly uplifting. The only thing left is to keep those random flare ups to a minimal.

Exercises were lunges and balance exercises on the foam board. Also I did squats on a balance board. For a guy who prides himself in balance, I suck at balance.

Day 2 continued the trend of some pain free status.

Overall we continued the usual exercises of lunges and squats. A new type of lunge was showed to me where I do it backwards. Also did some taps on a box to basically test the leg and see if doing a type of running motion would cause pain. Did that for 20 seconds, felt no pain.

Ended the session with another five minute bike ride! Things seem to be looking up and we’ll head into the weekend to gauge whether or not I can begin a running cycle again.

It’s been a long journey. Mentally tough, but excited for what’s to come. Just got to stay consistent.