PT Week Three 2016
Week one to week two saw dramatic change in reduced pain. Week two to week three has remained consistent.
On the bright side, it’s not getting worse, right? The goal is to not have any pain anymore. I don’t want random spasms of pain during the day or no reason. I want to run pain free.
Today I learned how hard it was to describe “what makes it worse”. Other than running, I didn’t have a concrete answer because the pain can come randomly during the day. There is no consistent activity other than running that could make it worse. I haven’t been able to get a read on it, which is disheartening.
It makes me wonder whether all this stuff I’m doing at PT is temporary. I don’t even know if all the pain is going to go away. If it does, how long before it comes back? I’m under the impression that Graston and all these stretches and exercises are only delaying the inevitable that the pain will come back. No matter how hard I keep up with the stretches and exercises post-PT, it will still come back.
I already set low expectations and so far I feel as if I was right to do so. There’s still plenty of time to turn this around, but the change needs to come quickly. If not, I might as well forget attempting running again.
As for stretches and exercises, there was nothing new. Just the standard from week 2.
Leading up to day 2, things were better. I didn’t feel as much pain. Not sure what that means. What magic had happened? There was not much difference between activities so, I can’t explain the roller coaster of pain scale here.
As for the session, nothing was dramatically new at this point. We’re getting close to winding down to the end. Two new exercises dealing with a foam board to throw me off balance. Lunge and squats, along with the normal routine of stretches.
I got fitted for new orthotics today. A different type than what I had been fitted for 5 years ago. Hopefully this will play true to my feet. Your feet can change over time, so maybe mine had changed over the course of 5 years and need support in a different area. I’m willing to give this a shot, but still haven’t been able to get out and try a run yet. Maybe that will come soon.