Do I Trust My Government?

I guess the real question is if I even care about my government? I mean, it’s basically Jedis and Sith Lords bickering with each other with their mouths rather than lightsabers. Both want to do what’s “best” for the people. Of course, when one side wins, the other is somehow screwed over. Then they all want to find some middle ground to something. Does that middle ground even last long?

Let’s not even talk about who is bought and who isn’t. I’ll just assume everyone is bought. Makes it easy. You’re all sleazeballs. Sorry. I mean, government, politics, they’re all boring anyway. Don’t worry, I won’t complain about issues that could have been solved by being that “one vote”. I don’t care enough to be informed and make an informed decision. If there’s one thing I can trust the government for, it’s to keep me alive. Then again, hospital bills aren’t saving lives, so might as well just croak before I get the $500k bill for things that I probably didn’t need in order to save my life.

There, you happy? I wrote stuff.