Slower Start Than Expected

week in and it’s certainly not getting any easier. First I avoid the snow from
last week and run this week being completely out of shape. Now I've apparently
forgotten that school work picks up end of March to mid-April, making it twice
as hard to get the time to run because I need to invest all my time into
week I managed a run on Sunday and Wednesday. Both were just awful.
Temperature-wise, it was exactly where I could hope around this time. Those
days were upper 40’s with just a slight wind, so a short-sleeve was acceptable.
I tried to get a Friday run in, where it was 55, sunny, just a light breeze,
but NOPE. School was calling me on a Friday. Had an assignment due online that
Friday and had invested from 3pm-7pm working on it. After it was over, it was
dark outside and I was just flamed out from the work I had to do.
of exams and projects due within the next two weeks and I will not be a happy
camper. Definitely going to try and start a run tomorrow, because the week will
just be too unpredictable to determine whether or not I have the time to run or
not. I’m feeling the pain from old injuries, only because I haven’t had the
time to strengthen them so all the progress probably got undone. I definitely
will have to work on that.
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