Social Rules: Who Makes Up These Things?
Something that has been running into my mind for years is social rules, or the social “norm”. What are these rules, and how are these rules established? I mean, I’ve observed and learned about the social rules, whether it’s from movies (who sometimes depict them horribly), friends, family, or just the plain view of the general public. People seem to follow them subconsciously, but why?
Something obscure like the “guy code” or rules for the high school cliques are heavily followed upon. I’m not understanding how people’s minds are functioning to follow these things. I’m thinking it’s a cultural thing and something psychological to go along with it. I mean, being exposed to the urban culture is something that affects young or old people altogether and they seem to believe most things that are within reason. Now then, they seem to fit this into their normal lives. These “rules” or “codes” or whatever the hell they call them are somehow programmed as something perfectly fine, as if there’s nothing wrong with it.
What happened to individuality? Or what happened to being unique all on your own? I enjoy being unique and not conforming to the rules that society brings upon me. The only problem is, my brain is programmed to follow these rules strongly. Just thinking about breaking these rules activates my conscience, to second guess my decisions of breaking these social rules, because of the common consequences that a brought upon for defying them.
It’s strange, I know. I really wished I didn’t have to follow these rules all the time. Shame on my brain.
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