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Do We Have Free Will?

  I thought about this after watching “Loki”. The whole concept of a sacred timeline and every choice one makes, isn’t their own, but what someone decides for us. Basically a script for us to follow, in order to maintain one or more branches of time off the same baseline. Of course, the show goes a little bit deeper as far as the multiverse goes, but I’m stuck wondering about the whole free will part. Are we in control of the choices we make? Or is there some higher power that dictates our choices for us? It made me think about “God’s plan”. People say that a lot, whether it’s for success or failure. God is paving the way for this or that to happen. On this specific topic, just humor me, could it possibly be that God has already determined this or that to happen and you are just following their design? So if it’s God’s plan you’re following, then are you actually, truly in control of the choices you are making as part of this plan? Your choice to skip school or stay in on Friday ni...

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